A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2337

Chapter 2337


He was trying to wrap his head around Calvin’s words when he said, “Alexis won’t marry!”

Leonel covered his face with his hands, lost in thought. Then Calvin continued, “You think it’s just a fling between her and me? Leonel, I’ve known her for four years! When I was twenty, my dad committed suicide due to gambling debts, taking my mom with him. It was Alexis who paid off all the debts for me, using her connections to get me into the entertainment industry.”

He was twenty years old, and there was suicide in the mix of his story.

As Calvin recounted his past, Leonel listened in a daze.


He was struck by the eerie similarity of Calvin’s story to his own.

So, Alexis had taken Calvin under her wing after Leonel left her.

Was it because Calvin reminded her of him? Did Calvin replace him in her heart already after all these years? Leonel had no idea.

He looked up, his eyes misty. Calvin’s words hit home.

Calvin vowed softly, “For her, I’d give up everything!”

Unexpectedly, Leonel nodded in agreement, saying, “I kno

Leonel gazed at Calvin’s pale, youthful face. He noticed how it looked so much like his own when he was his age. Then, the realization hit him that Calvin had become a replacement for him in Alexis’ life over the years.

A heavy feeling settled in Leonel’s heart as if it were sinking in water.

At the police station, the officer asked them why they had caused trouble.

Leonel, who typically cared about his image, remained silent.

Calvin bluntly replied, “We fought for a girl!”

Calvin’s statement stunned everyone in the police station.

The police officer removed Calvin’s hat, revealing his famous face, and chuckled. Wasn’t he the hottest young star of today?

Quite a passionate affair it must have been, then.

Observing the other, it was evident that he was a seasoned business professional with several more years of experience.

The police didn’t want to delve further into their personal matters and proceeded to fill out a form.

“Once it’s daylight, have someone come over, pay the bail, and you can leave.”

He made further comments, saying, “Fighting because of jealousy, huh?”

Calvin and Leonel spent the night in the station, reflecting on their actions.

At dawn, Calvin made a call, and Leonel also contacted his assistant in Duefron.

